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Monday, 18 September 2017

Amazing Heath Benefits of Beer

There is nothing like a cold beer on a hot day it is rich, refreshing and it is also the third most popular drink, after water and tea. In recent years, beer has received a very bad reputation for being high in calories, which is unfortunate because on the other hand it has many health benefits that you can get if you drink it in moderation.

1.    Reduce the risk of heart disease

Some studies have indicated that when consumed in moderation, beer slims the blood, making it less likely to coagulate. It also helps reduce the risk of heart disease and increases the amount of good cholesterol in the blood.

2.    It is good for the health of the kidneys

You may see this title thinking that drinking as much beer as you want is good, but you're wrong. Drinking too much beer is detrimental to the kidneys; moderate consumption of beer however, has been shown to reduce the likelihood of developing kidney stones, which develop when there is excess calcium in your body. The hops, which are used to make beer, help in this release of calcium from the bones.

3.    It is genuinely nourishing

Although it may seem exaggerated, 12 ounces of beer have up to a gram of fiber in it, as well as plenty of B vitamins like B6, B12, niacin and riboflavin. Beer is also rich in silicon, which is a nutrient that helps strengthen bones.

4.    Reduce the risk of diabetes

In 2011, Harvard University concluded a study with 38,000 middle-aged men. Participants who drank two beers a day showed they had a 25% lower risk of developing diabetes II than those who did not. This statistic does not apply in the context of excessive alcohol consumption.

5.    Reduce the risk of cancer

There is reason to believe this after a study carried out in Portugal found that marinating meat in beer eliminates almost 70% of all its carcinogens. What is certain is that beer contains lots of antioxidants that help the body cleanse toxins.

6.    Improve brain health

Recent research in this area, conducted at Langzhou University in China (2015), has indicated that taking a couple of beers every day helps to prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia, as well as reduce the risk of suffering from a stroke. In addition, a study of 11,000 women in 2005 found that those who drank one beer a day showed better mental function than those who did not. It was also found that the risk of mental impairment can be reduced by 20%.

7.    Keep stress away.

Again, this is not an excuse to drink in excess. They are 30 ml daily recommended if you are female, or almost a liter if you are male. This will help keep stress levels under control and reduce anxiety. Enjoy responsibly!

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