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Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Causes of food poisoning

Food poisoning is actually the result of consumption of contaminated food. Food contamination can occur at any stage of its production and preparation.

Generally, prior to preparation the food has to be properly washed. Then the peel is removed from certain fruits and vegetables. In the preparation process, the hands should be clean and previously washed with soap.

In many restaurant kitchens, people who handle food need to wear rubber gloves. In this way the spread of possible infectious agents and their products is limited.

If food is cooked or fried enough, most infectious agents are eliminated. If foods are not kept in a refrigerator or at a suitable temperature, they can also become contaminated. Most people pay attention to the expiration date of food products. This is important, since food poisoning can occur if one eats something that is out of date, which can cause health problems.  

Cross contamination

Cross-contamination occurs when infectious agents, in particular bacteria, spread from the equipment and the surface where the food is prepared.
This way the food is contaminated and if one eats this food without additional thermal processing rises to food poisoning. The most dangerous are the salads and the sandwiches.

Sources of contamination


Bacteria are the most common cause of food poisoning. Salmonella, Campylobacter, Escherichia coli and Listeria are just several bacteria that can lead to food poisoning. Campylobacter is present in uncooked poultry, meat and inadequately pasteurized milk. Salmonella may be present in poultry and raw meat. Eggs are the most common source of food poisoning with Salmonella. Even unpasteurized milk may contain Salmonella bacteria. Listeria is a bacterium that can be easily found in butter .Even cheeses such as camembert or brie and soft blue cheese may contain Listeria. Listeria can also contaminate smoked salmon. Escherichia coli mainly contaminate beef, so if this meat is not cooked enough, the likelihood of food poisoning occurring is greater.


The most common viruses that lead to food poisoning include rotavirus and norovirus. Both are transferred from contaminated hands after a person has used the toilet and then without the proper hygiene of the hands preparing food.


There are numerous parasites that can contaminate food and lead to food poisoning. Toxoplasma gondii is just one of them. This parasite lives in the digestive system of infected cats and their urine and feces contain large numbers of these parasites. Parasites can be transferred to food especially vegetables and in case the vegetables do not wash properly the parasite enters the human body. Even a little meat can contain Toxoplasma gondii and if you do not cook enough you can be a more source of food poisoning.


Fatty fish can be contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls that are especially toxic to unborn babies. That is why pregnant women have to avoid eating oily fish as much as possible and limit weekly intake to only two servings.

Some fish may contain mercury. If this metal is present in large quantities, it can also be responsible for serious damage to the unborn baby.
Avoiding sharks, swordfish and marlin is good as these fish can contain a lot of mercury.

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