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Monday, 9 October 2017

What are the most addictive foods in the world?

Do you know which are the most addictive foods in the world? Scientific studies say that some foods can cause an addiction similar to that produced by substances such as alcohol or drugs. We speak of those that contain a high level of saturated fats and sugars, such as snacks, soft drinks or industrial pastries. And is that these products favor the segregation of dopamine in our brain, known as the hormone of happiness, so its consumption creates in us a certain sense of happiness.

According to research, the world's most addictive foods are:
1. Pizza. Saturated fats and carbohydrates in pizza produce a strong dependence on those who consume it assiduously. It greatly favors the segregation of dopamine, which in turn causes addiction.
2. Cakes, pies and industrial pastries. The blood absorbs very quickly the sugar and the fats that contain these products, favoring the sensation of well-being.
3. Coffee. It is another of the most addictive foods in the world. Caffeine is a strongly addictive substance, and in this case, we have to add the habit of drinking coffee as a social convention. Taking it in its proper measure does not have to be harmful; moreover, it brings benefits to our organism. However it is advisable not to exceed 200 milligrams a day, that is, between two and three cups.

4. Chocolate. Natural cocoa is beneficial to our body, something that changes when you add refined substances like sugar and fats. Its addiction is very powerful, because it produces a feeling of relaxation and well-being thanks in large part to its strong satiating effect and its high magnesium content.

5. Hamburger. Fast food chain burgers often contain a high amount of mono sodium glutamate, an aromatic substance that helps boost the taste of food and causes over consumption. According to the World Health Organization, it causes symptoms such as headache, weakness, vomiting and digestive discomfort.

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